Ytree; a UNIX Filemanager

Ytree screenshot

Ytree - a (curses-based) file manager similar to DOS Xtree(tm).

...for browsing filesystems and archives (RAR/SPM/RPM/TAR/ARC/LHA/ZIP/ZOO).

New in 2.09

New in 2.08

New in 2.07

New in 2.06

New in 2.05

New in 2.04

New in 2.03

New in 2.02

New in 2.01

New in 2.00

New in 1.99pl2

New in 1.99pl1

New in 1.98

New in 1.97

New in 1.96

New in 1.95

New in 1.94

New in 1.93


Ytree is reported to run on following platforms:


In most instances, it should be sufficient to uncomment the section for your platform in 'Makefile' (Default is linux). Type 'make' followed by 'make install'. If you want, customize ytree by editing '$HOME/.ytree'.

Where to get ytree:

You can get the ytree source directly from this WebPage:

ytree-2.09.tar.gz (121 kB / May 27, 2024)

Other places:

Arch linux users:
Debian Users:
FreeBSD Users:
Mac Ports:

Other XTree Clones:

Have a look at the XTree Fan Page! Here you can find everything about the legendary XTree and links to various other XTree clones.


Last but not least take a look on the homepage of Jeff Johnson, the author of the original XTree and XTreeGold (Thank you Jeff, for your great work!).


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Bug reports/comments/patches are welcome:

last edited May 27, 2024 by Werner Bregulla