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Re: Where is bootpd in RH 6.0

at 22:17 25/05/99 +1000, Ken Yap wrote :
>>According to red madhatters, you have to use the DHCP bootp compliant
>>package. I'd be interested in any success reports, since I'll prolly have
>>some pressure to do this one of these days :-)
>Well, if it's the ISC dhcpd, I have successfully used it with Etherboot
>in both DHCP and backwards-compatibility BOOTP mode. The only reason
>I haven't switched is inertia; I'll write a Perl script to convert my
>bootptab one of these evenings. Oh yes, there was a bug in an earlier
>release of DHCPD where it didn't send out the filename in BOOTP mode
>but that was ages ago.

	Oops : forgive my poor English,

You're prolly right Ken : this must be the ISC, yet unsure. Anyway, the
linux bootpd/tftp package for linux, based on CMU old 4.2 BSDish code, was
IMHO showing its age : it was hard to tune in hostile environment, was
subject to DoS, seemed to be unable to handle smoothly tftp failures, etc.
I needed lots of shell scripts to handle it in tricky students-powered

Yet another reason to try this ISC DHCP if you have Linux servers. I read
some information about it on the remote-boot mini-Howto from Clerc and others.

Inertia is good for me too : I haven't got Linux servers, I have no serious
test environment, and, you know, if it works my way, why should I change ?

But yet I'm sure that the etherboot communauty would appreciate success
reports : anyone starting something here ?

Pierre MONDIE : SSR : 74-78
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