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Re: Slot-CPU + DOC + Via-Rhine

On 05-Jul-99 Gero Kuhlmann wrote:
> Hello,
> Lars Prieske <> wrote:
>> I have some problems with a CPU-Slot-Card with DiskOnChip (4MB) and
>> Vt86C100A
>> network adapter (all on one card). I use netboot-0.9e and a packet driver
>> from
>> VIA Technologies under linux-2.0.36. The driver found the network adapter
>> and
>> request the server via bootp but on the server nothing is happen. With a
>> separate nic (SMC  Etherpower) on the server is shown a bootp request.
> With certain network drivers the 0.9 versions of netboot seem to have
> interrupt problems. Since 0.9 is still a preview version not meant for
> production, you should better try the current netboot version 0.8.1 which
> you can get from the netboot home page or
> from any Linux (formerly sunsite) mirror.
Ok! With version 0.8.1, it works fine.


Lars Prieske * Planet GmbH * Residence Park 1-7 * 19065 Raben Steinfeld
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