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Re: TFTP timeout and maximum retry counts in "tftp.h"


Mike Hammer <> wrote:
> Is the TFTP timeout value an initial timeout, i.e. first
> timeout is set to 8 seconds and afterwards, the timeout values
> are exponentially increased for each retries?

No, it's a static value. The timeout for TFTP is the same for every
packet and every retry.

> Thus, using the maximum retry counts and timeout value,
> does this mean that a retry will be performed (to receive
> the same data block) after a timeout of 8 seconds trying
> to receive a block of data?  And after 10 total retries,
> TFTP will fail and bail out?

Yes, exactly.

> Finally what does it mean when the TFTP client displays,
> "block x != block y" during transfer.

It means that the client received a block numbered 'x', while it was
expecting block number 'y'. It will then send a new acknowledge for
the preceding block to tell the server to send block 'y' again.


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