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Re: <<no subject>>


netsol,matthew <> wrote:
> 	Is there any one who knows why I built a dos 6.22 boot image, but when
> booted, the unix boot server said bad format?  I compiled the mk dos image
> utility yet it doesn't seems that I compiled in any as86 stuff.  I wonder
> if I shold get as86 for my BSD unix.  and where I can get it for BSD.

As I told you already this is definitely not a problem of a missing as86. If
you got a running binary of mknbi-dos, then all (preassembled!) assembler
modules are linked in. There is nothing to configure in them.

To make it clear again: exactly what program tells you about a "bad format"?
On the server, on the client? What bootrom are you using? Could you send me
the first 16 kB of your DOS boot image file in uuencoded form, so that I can
take a look at the format? Please, not the whole image file unless it's less
than 100kB or so.


The difference between the right word and a similar word is the difference
between lightning and a lightning bug.		- Mark Twain
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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