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Re: Problems with netboot 0.7.2


Richard Gooch <rgooch@atnf.CSIRO.AU> wrote:
> I turned on debugging for the packet driver in the bootp client and I
> get the following:
> S 0000C0853DEE 45 00 01 48 00 ** 00 00 ff 11 * * 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 44
> where "*" changes every second. The network card is an SMC and I
> have checked the I/O address, IRQ and MEM address.

The "*" bytes refer to the ID of each IP packet (which is changing with every
packet) and the packet's checksum, which of course has to change as well to-
gether with the ID.
Do you get any line with an "R" in the first column? If not this means that
your packet driver is not receiving any packets - so it's not a problem with
the bootrom itself but with the packet driver you linked into it. What packet
driver are you using? Did the packet driver identify all resources (I/O, IRQ
etc.) correctly at startup - usually the Crynwr drivers print their arguments
on the screen when started? Have you tried it with a vendor provided packet
driver? (I'm personally using a WD8003 with a packet driver found on SMC's
ftp server which autodetects everything and works just fine).

> When I set the debugging level for bootpd on my server to 9, I get:
> in.bootpd[17621]: connect from
> in.bootpd[17621]: version 2.4.0
> [...]
> in.bootpd[17621]: sending reply (with RFC1048 options)
> in.bootpd[17621]: setarp - 00:00:C0:85:3D:EE

Have you checked with tcpdump, that the bootp answer is really going out?
What IP and hardware addresses are given in the IP packet? Are they correct?
I know that older Linux kernels had problems with setting the ARP address
correctly so even when bootpd reported the setarp, the kernel didn't catch
on and sent the IP packets with a wrong hardware address. You can check for
this if you take a look at /proc/net/arp immediately after running bootpd.


!xob XINEX siht edisni kcuts m'I ,pleH
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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