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Re: Problems with netboot 0.7.2

three cheers.. netboot has worked like a charm for our very low end
386sx motherboards and ethernetcards. The next step here is for a
stand-alone machine to boot out of flash. ? Can anyone point out how a
hack to netboot could make booting out of flash memory work.. perhaps
simply putting in a different routine for tftp.. a lot of the booting
assemly code leaves me guessing :)

?? how about a program that could simply read out all the physical memory
in a "booted" machine.. then "burn" the kernel in "rom" so the machine is
always "on". There is a short man page on mem,kmem etc.. So when the machine
is powered on.. it just jumps into kernel start up or.. even better jumps
into the application.

thanks for any reply.

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