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Re: booting a ELF binary

Hi Markus, wrote:
> Hi Ton,
>  > It's actually an operating system. The boot system is based on a PC
>  > based SVR4 system. The boot loader sets up some tables in low mem,
>  > before starting the OS it first updates those tables, so I think the OS
>  > uses them. As these tables depend on the SVR4 system I haven't here
>  > there are some more problems to solve, but that's not for this list.
>  > allthough I appreciate any help on info on this subject (:-).
> Once you figure out what that code does, it should be rather
> straight-forward to directly include it in your version of mknbi.
> Take a look at the documentation that comes with etherboot or point
> your browser to
I found some guy on the net who has an ELF program that loads the
Operating System. I received a binary that does the job. I can convert
it with objdump to an image. Now I should make a tagged image file from
it. I wonder if there is some version of mknbi around that does this
job. I read the docs about the tagged file format and realize a lot can
go wrong when building the first 512 bytes, without any clue about when
the program doesn't start, so a mknbi program that just loads and starts
one executable should be convenient.
I used the src-32 directory of ethrboot to build a hello world like
program that should be a fine test (at least when relocated to another
address then 98000. I tried 88000 and that works fine).


Name: Ton Biegstraaten              Tel : +31152782467
Org.: TU Delft, Faculty ITS         Fax : +31152787141
      Zuidplantsoen 4               Mail:
      2628 BZ Delft, The Netherlands

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