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Large ROM size (e.g. over 32kb) problems with etherboot

Can anyone tell me what to look out for (i.e. fix) when I have an image
over 32kb?

I have a set of functions that run fine without stdlib. Linking a few of
them into a eepro100 image (lzcom or com) and using masq to produce a
bootable floppy works fine when the size is below 32kb.  As soon as the
size goes over that, the system hangs on boot.

I've tried lowering the RELOCADDR, but I keep getting a data out of bounds
when zloader or loader are assembled. I've seen some posts that indicated
that this addr can be changed, but I'm at a loss on how to do it (or if it
will even help with my problem).

Any pointers etc. are appreciated.

	Thanks, Bill

Bill Arbaugh			   

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