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No request for tftpd


I am using the netboot version of the latest debian netboot package with a 
386DX-40. The NIC is a 3COM-3C509B. I created the standard 3COM
bootrom, copied it to a floppy disk and tried to boot this system from a
linux server using bootpd and tftp.

At the beginning everything went well, the client request to the bootpd
was answered correctly and the correct IP and path of the bootimage
(here:/netboot/bootImage)  also transferred from the bootpd to the
client. Then I got a message similar (it happened yesterday) to the
following from the client:

	Cannot load bootimage 

Similar problems discussed in the mailing-list or in troubleshooting.txt
concerned the configuration of the tftpd.
I tried to load the file /netboot/bootImage from another linux host by
tftp and everything went well so the permissions etc. should be set 

So, next, I observed the network traffic using tcpdump.    

This produced some output according to the bootp request and answers of
the server but nothing concerning tftp. The same in the logfiles of the
linux machine. 

There seems to be no request for tftp from the NIC bootrom. 

Maybe a problem of the 3COM bootrom, or a wrong configuration (of what??)?

Thanks in advance

Alexander Keller            Universitaet Wuerzburg
Roentgenring 7              Physikalisches Institut EP III
97070 Wuerzburg             Am Hubland, 97074 Wuerzburg
Tel. 0931/14047             Tel.0931/8885781 

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