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Hi people,
I'm trying to set up a bootp/tftp to boot linux off a diskless PC. The 
network card of the diskless box is a DLink 220, and it came with a boot 
rom. When I fire the machine up, it prompts with 3 options
1 - DLink Server
2 - Netware
3 - GPL

Which, if any, of these is the bootp protocol? 

So far I've had no luck. Tcpdump dosen't show any traffic when the 
diskless machine is coming up. (sigh) ie - I don't see any bootp request.

Has anyone had any luck getting a network boot with this card? I have my 
suspicions that maybe my cards faulty. If I warm boot, the card complains 
about memory errors. Cold starts are fine.

If someone is using this card successfully with the DLink ROM, I'll know 
that I have to replace the card.

Thanks in advance



    Paul Wilkins                                | o o |
    Internet Operations Manager                 ` \_/ '    Linux 
    TMP Worldwide                               /\___/\    The Choice of                          |_/ . \_|   A GNU Generation             \_/___\_/


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