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Re: Remote booting Windows 95

> 2) Is it possible to remote-boot Windows 95 without using RPL or NETBEUI
> ?

You can remoteboot Windows 95 without RPL by using TFTP instead. However
there is a bug in the default TCP/IP stack (its been there since version
3.11) and it will not start as the primary protocol in real mode, ie
before Windows has started. This means that you must use one of these
protocols to make the initial connection to the server to get the Windows 

	- NetBEUI. This requires a commercial SMB server such as OS/2 Warp,
	  Windows NT, SCO VisionFS etc (there is also a port of NetBEUI to
	  FreeBSD but it is still in testing.)

	- IPX, or more correctly NCP over IPX. This requires either an official
	  Netware server or compatible, Windows NT, or Linux (there is a nice
	  netware daemon for Linux.)

	- 16 bit TCP/IP stack for DOS, as given away by Microsoft with their 
	  DOSCLIENT client (I'm sure the archives of this list have 
	  plenty of pointers to the right place on the Microsoft ftp site,
	  I think the Samba home page has too.)

	- ???? Other 32-bit TCP/IP stack for Windows 95?? I know that several
	  companies have stacks which completely replace the default one,
	  probably these aren't as badly written.

There are many, many people who would like to use Samba+TFTP remoteboot 
to get Windows 95 diskless clients going, but this bug prevents it.


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