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tftp: arp timeout


first I'm not on this list yet, so please reply directly to:

well, I'm trying to set up netboot. i've made a boot floppy with the
standard kernel on 3c59x. i use dhcpd on linux for dhcp and bootp. i
made sure ipfwadm and tcpd does not disturb my tftp/bootp and i made
shore that route knows where to send brodcasts to.

the problem is: i boot from flopy, it accesses the dhcpd ( bootp
protocol ) and gets it's ip adress and server, and boot file.
then it gives me a message: tftp: arp timeout.

i ran tcpdump on the linux - box, and got only the bootp query and reply

I tried pinging the machine, but got no reply
there was also no "arp - who has ... tell ... " at all, neither on ping,
nor on boot

i'v managed to tftp from my sparc-solaris and it works o.k.
I've also removed tcp from the line concerning tftp on inetd.conf

any ideas ?

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org:            Savan Communications Ltd.
title:          Asic/Software/Sysadmin
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