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Booting dos on a limited space...


 I just came up with a thought (I don't know if it's possible...)
If I'm right, the two files and is only used
at boot-time (and the is used hereafter) wouldn't it 
be possible to delete these files after boot time, and then have
aditional files downloaded to the ram disk?? (This is for my kermit
network terminal computer).
 Or is there another scheme to load some programs, that's only
needed on startup (such as the program, and the packet
driver for the ethernetcard)??? My problem is that there is just
missing a couple of kb before i could fit my file in to the
bootimage also...

Thomas Mørch
licensed ham, with callsign OZ2AFO. License category: CEPT-1

If God had intended man to smoke He would have set him on fire.

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