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objcopy, take 42

Sigh, ok, here's the latest attempt to make Etherboot/32 work on both
old and new binutil releases. Enclosed is which should be
unpacked in src/, chmod 755, and a symlink from src-32/ made to it. Then
the last line of src-32/Config should be modified to read:


Please report back success or failure.

	Thanks, Ken

version=`objcopy --version | head -1`
case $version in
"GNU objcopy 2."[89]*)
	echo objcopy -O binary --set-start=$1 $2 $3
	objcopy -O binary --set-start=$1 $2 $3
	echo objdump -k -q -o $1 $2 '>' $3
	objdump -k -q -o $1 $2 > $3

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