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Re: multiple bootp server


> we have already one bootp server running (Novell Server).
> Now I want to setup some diskless workstations running
> Linux, but they should use a separate bootp server 
> (Linux or SPARC).
> Is it possible to have multiple bootp server running?


> If so, how can I direct the Linux workstation to contact
> the "new" bootp server for startup instead of the
> Novell Server?
> Is there a parameter I can give to netboot that it
> should contact directly the "new" bootp server?

No, netboot cannot be directed to contact a server directly (if I read
the code right, it broadcasts the request and sets the server name to
NULL). But bootp servers must ignore requests they cannot satisfy, so if
you insert the new workstations only into the bootp config for the Linux
bootp server, all requests will be answered by this server (provided it
is within broadcast reach).

   Ralph Roessner

   Ralph Roessner  (R"o"sner)                  TU Darmstadt
   Raum 38/B008                                FB Informatik

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