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Surecom NE-34PCI a NE2000 PCI clone with the Winbond W89C940F chip


i have the above nic with a lot of software on a floppy, but nothing for
In the scounix dirctory i was found a w940s3.o , and in this binary i
can read, that this card will work as an Windond 940 board.
There is also a driver for dos, that's why netboot is working.

Knows anybody an tested card with this chip, that works with etherboot

The card is working with linux 2.0.33  with modprobe io=.. and irq=..
from /proc/pci. Kernel 2.1.9x detect the card automaticly with the newer

Thats wy i change in the etherboot pci.h the Winbond id to 0x10bd and
the device id to 0xe34. And now the floppyrom detect the card as an
Winbond card and found the address. But >Probing...[NE*000/PCI]< hangs.

I ask Ken and he told me that the address from the pci detection is
written in an array and passed to the driver; thats alright.
Now i compared the ne.c from Donald Becker with the ns8390.c respecting
of initialisation for PCI clones. There are many differences. I'm
meaning the source from the kernel is better because working and of
course bigger but i think not to big for an eprom?
Thats for the first, what can we do?


Torsten Schuster
Smail:	Winzerstrasse 5, D-01445 Radebeul/Sa.
Tmail:	+49-0351/8385641

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