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Re: Linux loader for PXE (NetPCs)

In article <>, you say...
>We ported BpBatch, the tools described in the Linux Remote-boot
>mini-Howto, to Intel Preboot Execution Environment (PXE).
>That means, you can now use it with most onboard bootproms
>to load Linux, to manage disk images and to authenticate users
>at boot time.

does this mean, that there are sources available for the pxe-boot-server ?

>To our knowledge, PXE bootproms providers are Intel, Incom and 
>Lanworks (eg. 3com). We hope that NILO will soon be PXE-compliant 
>so that we get free Linux NetPC !

also the compaq 4000N is pxe-compliant

Sincerely Yours / Mit freundlichen Gruessen: Gerhard Zuber
Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Zuber    Telefon: (030) 861 32 01
Pfalzburger Str. 25
10719 Berlin               Internet:
Germany                       phone: +49.30.8613201

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