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Etherboot 3c503 image


I'm having problems using the 3c503 image that comes
with the etherboot distribution (etherboot-4_0).  I
have tried both the image under 16 and 32.

So, what have I tried:
- The image for 3c509 boots OK
- Creating a floppy image for the 3c503 works OK.
- rom-scan says:
     "Found ROM header at DC00:0000; announces 16k image 27C128 EPROM)
      Checksum does not match.  This image is not active"
- I have treid both 27c128 and 27c256 EPROMs

I have dumped the rom-image with debug, and compared with the
original image, and it looks similar up to the 80 80 signature, but
from there the original image got lots of FF's while the image
gathered with debug have some code that looks decompressed.
I can read messages and such.

Well, my problem is that this is something that I'm not very
familiar with, so I feel a bit unsure what to do.

The README.txt does mention 8080 signature, but I find it a bit
unclear on when and how that affects the image.

Any input on this would be very good.

Best regards

Dag Bjerkeli
With Warp 4 through Cyberspace.

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