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Re: network boot without broadcasting?

>I want to net-boot Linux into PC-s which usually run Win95 net-booted
>using bootp/dhcp and tftp servers.  I am running my own bootp/tftp/file
>server for this purpose and use 'netboot' from a floppy.
>Unfortunately the other bootp/dhcp servers pick up my broadcast most of
>the time.
>To get cooperation from the other bootp/dhcp servers that is from their
>admins is not an option. I am using the PC-s under the conditions "not
>changing anything" and "no help from us". While I switch off my bootp
>server when I don't need it I cannot expect the same from the others.

Why not just skip the bootp part, hardwire the address and load the
kernel from floppy or maybe tftp it from the server.

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