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Problems booting DOS images (On MMX?) with netboot

A message I sent yesterday doesn't seem to have made it
to the list, so this is a repost. Apologies if you get this
twice as a consequence!
Hello all!
	We have nearly 140 machines network booting fine, but
are now finding that a new machine does not work when booting
a dos image. The old machines are all Intel Pentium 233s, but the
new machine is an AMD-K6 MMX, (we can't get Intel processors anymore).

Are there any know issues with either AMD processors, or MMX processors?
In more detail the symptioms are:

	We boot (via a network-downloaded copy!!) the boot rom,
	this downloads and runs an MGL-generated menu
	this downloads a dos (or Caldera OpenDOS) image
	Which says:
		Starting MS-DOS		(or the caldera equivalent)
	and hangs.

Sometimes after a few seconds a newline is output before the hang.
Less frequently, the dos prompt appears, and then it hangs!!

Has anyone come across anything like this before? Are there any
relevant compilation options (I had to re-compile the bootroms)?


	We're using netboot 0.8.1, and 3Com 3C905 (not 3C905B) network
interface cards.

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