Once corrected the PCI header offset byte (see previous message about correcting ~netboot/makerom/user.c) all seems to be much more beautiful. Then if you burn the flash with the image.rom it doesn't find a valid operating system (mess: Operating System not found). Ohhh. I think the bios find the rom and knows that it is a boot device (Bios says: "System Configuration Data Updated" once detected HD, -without changing ~netboot/makerom/user.c it would begin to beep and no message printed- ). If you run romcheck 0.9: 1) if you made a bootrom for a processor older than 386 says that the rom has 32KB length. 2) if you made a bootrom for a processor newer than 386 says that the rom has 4KB length. No netboot rom is found and the PnP header is identified ok but no vendor/device id is readed in both cases. Then if you try to boot with a floppy, made from the same parameters and Netboot (now!) gets control, the packet driver (e100bpkt.com) gets loaded and locate the NIC but then netboot prompts an error: BOOTP: udp_open error 62 Network boot failed - press any key to continue Any hints?? Omar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centro de Calculo Departamento Ingenieria Telematica (ETSIT) e-mail: omar@dit.upm.es Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Tel:(+34) 913367366-Ext.328 Ciudad Universitaria, s/n 28040 Madrid (Spain) Fax:(+34) 913367333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== This Mail was sent to netboot mailing list by: Omar Walid Llorente <omar@dit.upm.es> To get help about this list, send a mail with 'help' as the only string in it's body to majordomo@baghira.han.de. If you have problems with this list, send a mail to netboot-owner@baghira.han.de.
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