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Error booting diskless HP


I've got a diskless HP (486 sx 33) which I would like to boot over the
network. It got a built in NIC and uses BOOTP.

I've build the images which I put in /tftpboot with mknbi. I've tried both
linux and ms-dos. But when the HP invokes the bootstrap the cursor just
starts "walking" around the screen. I don't think it's anything wrong with
the loading of the image, but i've heard that the BIOS in this machine is
a bit messy, it uses much memory for it's own purposes.

Anybody seen anything like this before?
Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help,

btw: I'm using netboot-0.7.3 in the etherboot-4.0 package. Is this old?
btw2: I can't seem to build the asm file first.s from source. I would like
to enable the asm debugging.

Anders Semb Hermansen
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