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Re: not boot over network ==> Win95 hangs

Joachim Schewe schrieb:

> Hi
> I´m using etherboot for a view month with my 386/16 and it works fine.
> Now I decide to update som other PC´s to X-terminals for my Linux
> Server.
> It is recomend to boot from local HDD, too.
> With DOS50 and NT4 it works fine, but W95 hang after say N to boot over
> network.
> Booting over a DOS-Bootdisk is possibyl, and after SYS C: allso from
> HDD.( Without W95 of cause )
> I´m try 4.1pre7 too, but with the same result.
> The pmode.patch is included in this version, I think.
> When I make a bootdisk with ../bin/floppy.bin and ne.rom i see
> 1000
> AX:0212
> BX:2200
> CX:0001
> DX:0100

You have got a bootdisk problem!
Try another disk and make a fresh format on it.
Do NOT just use an unformated floppy!


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