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Re: Problem netbooting Linux 2.2.x

Ken Yap wrote:
>>I have been using netboot 0.8.1 for quite some time now without
>>But starting with Linux 2.2.5 i get all sort of kernel crashes, mostly
>>during boot, but some times also during normal operation. The crashes
>>are sporadic and happen at random, so i first thought it was a hardware
>>problem. But with 2.0.36 all is ok.

>I seriously doubt if mknbi-linux would be the source of your problems. It
>has a simple job to do, just put the kernel image inside a tagged
>image. It would not interfere with the kernal image, which is compressed
>anyway.  I think you have to look to see why 2.2 kernels have problems
>on your machine. Maybe try a more recent one, e.g. 2.2.9?

Hi Ken,

For some reasons i do not get any mail from the list anymore. Last was
from 04/25/99.
I subscribed again today and got a positive reply, but i found your
reply to my posting only in the mailinglist archive.

Conerning my netboot problem: I wonder if you didn't receive my complete
posting. I quoted from the announcement of netboot 0.9.0e:

- Corrected mknbi-linux so that it now works with Linux kernel version
  However please note that there are still some serious bugs in the
  which prevent it to work with netboot properly.

What are those 'serious bougs'?

Thank you for your help


Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341
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