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Re: Security problem

>I use netboot to boot my cluster of Linux PCs. All of the PCs in the
>cluster are visible only inside my private network. But, the server
>containing the bootpd has two network cards and it is connected to the
>external LAN, too. Some questions about this:
>1) Can somebody on the external LAN change the MAC address of a network
>card and boot from my server as if it was a machine of mine ? 

Yes, they can change the MAC address, or rather alter their software to
send out a MAC address of their choosing. Whether or not they can fetch
a file with tftp depends what hosts are allowed to connect to tftpd.

>2) To avoid the previous problem, can I prevent the bootpd from listening
>to the card connected to the external LAN ?

I don't know if bootpd can do this, but certainly ISC dhcpd can restrict
the interfaces it advertises on. Don't forget to secure tftpd and NFS too.
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