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Re: Etherboot 4.4.1 and 3com 3c507 card

>	else
>	{
>		size = ((((Address)mem_config & 0x3) + 1) << 14) & 0xffffL;
>		mem_start = 0x0c0000L + (((Address)mem_config & 0x18) << 12);
>	}
>The ,& 0xffffL' operation isn't performed in the kernel source. BTW,
>shouldn't if_port be declared local in the Etherboot version of the
>driver? If it's used elswhere, too: The kernel source assigns
>different values to it, if this is important.

Ok, this must be a card config I haven't come across before. I'll
put your change in. I may have worked from an older version of the
3c507 driver. You have 64k of shared memory which is a bit unusual.
If anybody is using 3c507 with < 64k shared memory and this change fails,
let me knoe.

if_port can be local, although it was static so it isn't visible outside
the module anyway. Thanks.
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