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Booting DOS

#include <hallo.h>

I use etherboot-4.4.3 to boot a DOS-image from a linux machine (bootp).
NICs are NE2000 compatibel and i use the "test" disk for booting.

I have two diffent machines
486 DX 2/66 4MB
586 200 16MB RAM (Sometimes 32MB)

Booting the first (486) is no problem at all. But when i boot the 586er i
get an error. Because the message it is german DOS it would be pretty
useless to post the message. It is the Error-Message from the boot-block
that it can't find something to boot, and you should put in a Boot-Disk.

After pressing a key it boots the image without forther problems.

How can i prevent the Error from happening? (I think it is because of the
present floppy, but since i boot from it i can't deactivate it.)

Something other. How can i "protect" the RAM-Disk from DOS-Programms?
(e.g. Norten-DIAG locks hard when checking the memory. After running
Norton Disk Doctor the RAM-disk has vanished. (I only tested that on the

Bis denn

Mein persoenliches (deutsches) Linux Lied: "Abenteuerland" von PUR

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