>Thanks, It was a missing service..... now it is all working fine :-))) On the server no doubt, the client doesn't need many services. >Allthough it hangs a awfull lot of time while "finding module deendencies" >According to the log it actually tests all the modules evertime it boots. >Do you know, where i can turn that off ??? This is why it's a good idea when you compile your own kernel for the client to choose only those modules you're actually going to need. =========================================================================== This Mail was sent to netboot mailing list by: Ken Yap <ken@nlc.net.au> To get help about this list, send a mail with 'help' as the only string in it's body to majordomo@baghira.han.de. If you have problems with this list, send a mail to netboot-owner@baghira.han.de.
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