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Re: DR-DOS problem

>I was the guy. You noticed that something changed on DR-DOS 7.03 boot
>sector and sent me a 720Kb floopy boot sector from DR-DOS 7.02. It
>worked, but a 720Kb disk is too small to include the Netware (VLM)
>client softare. I could not build a 1.44 boot from your boot sector, and
>as a boot floppy was ok for my needs, I stopped there: working with
>DR-DOS 7.03 and a boot floppy. But if someone can make a working
>etherboot from 7.03 I'd switch to it.

The only difference between a 720kB and a 1.44MB boot block is in the
media ID byte I think. Do a Web search for the format of a DOS floppy
boot block. If you use mformat with the -B flag (I think) to write the
boot block on a real 1.44 MB floppy, it will adjust the media ID byte,
and then you can extract it for use elsewhere.
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