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Re: Summary: BIOS flashed etherboot will not start

3Com driver engineering has been made aware of the problem....though they may
wait to see if others report the same problems. These drivers / NICs are usually
tested full tilt, non-stop, for days at at a time before release, unless they
are released as beta.


Robert Thompson <> on 04/18/2000 04:06:36 PM

Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Steve Marfisi/US/3Com)

Subject:  Re: Summary: BIOS flashed etherboot will not start

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Dirk von Suchodoletz wrote:

|> Maybe we should put a word of warning into the README. Especially the
|> paragraph:
|> "Newer mainboards that have an AWARD-BIOS can use etherboot without
|>      seperate EPROMS and therefore without the necessity of having a
|>      EPROM-programmer[?]."
|Or, if you dont mind hot plugging: Get a flash of the same size, backup
|your original bios to it and have fun experimenting with the other. This
|is the way I working on it. (But I have to say, that we have every time
|about twenty boards of same type at once on our computer laboratory)
|> is somewhat misleading.
|> Flashing the BIOS is always a (small) risk. Flashing with unsupported,
|> hacked BIOS-Image is _dangerous_ and may render your PC unbootable.
|> If you don't have access to a prom-burner you should stay away from
|> experimenting.
|> Now for the fun part: Today i received a new computer with a 3c905c NIC
|> with EEPROM. I used cromutil to program etherboot 4.5.7 into it and it
|> worked at once!
|> I think this is the better way to go than trying to patch the BIOS.
|The unfunny part with this NIC is, the trouble I had with it under Linux.
|After a while of heavy traffic it looses the network connection. Tried
|with the Becker driver and the driver provided from 3COM :-(

I've got a  lab full of these, and several routers full. Never had
problems myself. Can you give me more info?  If there's a potential
problem, I'd like to solve it before it bites me...

|So long,
|      Dirk
|This Mail was sent to netboot mailing list by:
|Dirk von Suchodoletz <>
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Robert Thompson <>  Southwestern Adventist University
"My opinions are my own. Want one?"      Department of Computer Science

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