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Re: [Etherboot-users] Re: Finding modules dependencies

> > With the clients you dont need that, because the driver should compiled
> > statically into the kernel (or you have to work with initial ramdisk) 
> OK. I read /var/log/messages after booting the client and I saw that it
> referenced to kernel-2.2.12smp. In fact, I have the kernel-2.2.12smp
> compiled for the server. And I compiled the tagged image (for clients)
> withe kernel-2.2.14. So, I have two version of the kernel installed on
> the machine. For the client, he should use the 2.2.14 one. 
> Why is he not?
> (it's probably why it crashes when downloading the modules, taking the
> wrong ones)

Better you compile a new set of kernels:

1) First for your clients, decide which modules you need (normally a
   static kernel would do it for the first tests). Make dep clean bzImage
   (modules modules_install only if you think you need them)
   Move the content of /lib/modules/2.2.14 to your client nfs root
   Tag the kernel image (mknbi-linux from etherboot) from
   /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage and copy the tagged kernel to the
   needed location.

2) Save your kernel configuration .config for your terminals

3) Build a new (SMP) kernel for your server (make dep clean bzlilo modules

Watch your steps carefully and you shouldn't have any more problems with
your different kernels :-))

So long,

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