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We are going to The Show!!!

Attention all fans of Network Booting and Thin Clients:

I am pleased to announce that we have secured a .ORG Pavilion booth at 
the LinuxWorld Expo in New York City, January 30 to February 2, 2001 in 
order to promote the Etherboot Project and other thin client technology!

LinuxWorld Expo ( is one of the premier Linux 
trade shows, and getting a booth to promote a project is an excellent 
opportunity to get more people involved (as well as to have a really good 

What I envision for the booth is setting up a couple Etherboot-based 
workstations with LTSP on them for people to try out, and also doing 
exciting demos of generating and burning ROMs.  There will of course be 
some ethernet cards with boot ROMs given away as prizes. 

Now, of course I can't do all this myself, so I'm looking for people 
willing to help out in the booth, and to figure out how best to present 
thin client technology.

In order to reduce the amount of show discussion on the regular lists, 
I've created a mailing list for people specifically interested in helping 
with the show.  

The list address is:

if you'd like to subscribe, just send a message to:


    subscribe linuxny

in the body.

I look forward to being able to share the wonders of network booting and 
thin client technology with lots of people at LinuxWorld Expo New York, 
and I hope you will help make this a really great event.

Let's get busy!


    Try: to make Etherboot images instantly.

   Name: Martin D. Connor
US Mail: Entity Cyber, Inc.; P.O. Box 391827; Cambridge, MA 02139; USA
  Voice: (617) 491-6935, Fax: (617) 491-7046 

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Marty Connor <>
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