(Since most of my life happens to take place in Germany, this is the only page offered in English. Sorry)

Hans-Peter Schüler

Birth in 1957 in Wuppertal by parents from Frankonia and Thuringia, respectively, resulted in a half-breed ;=) with only limited local patriotism.
A Youth and Education within shouting distance of the Wuppertal suspension train, however, evoked lasting sympathies for the County of Berg. Nowadays, I still more or less feel like a Rhinelander. (All locations mentioned here and later on are situated in Germany.)

People like this, too, can be enthusiastic for technics - in my case this led to a comprehensive education as a chemist at Bochum university, featuring special delvings in apparative analytical chemistry upon environmental and pharmacological subjects, in atmospherical sciences, molecular biology, data processing, and whatever else appeared manageable.

On behalf of my doctoral thesis I then moved to Hannover which still keeps me in spite of the absenting landscape. ...Sort of, at least, since I moved recently to the Hannover outskirts: Alt-Laatzen, next to the marshes of the river Leine. Still flat, but really nice!
Computers came to my conscience as our time's foremost achievement - mind narrowing included.

Nevertheless there were some first hints during my study terms that formulas cannot describe all of this world, and since my entry into official professional life in Hannover I am growing more and more conscious that progress is hardly caused by new techniques, but rather by heads running on ideas, and by humans cooperating. It is the intensification of this thought which I today associate with the term of social competence. In spite of intermediate unemployment, and profiting from an open-minded continuational qualification course as a quality manager I presently take efforts to spread this state of mind within corporations, among other occupations as a personnel trainer. Additional overlaps I conceive in my soaring activities, where the prolonged motivated dedication of many comrades is paramount.

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© P. Schüler
last revisited: 18-I-99