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Re: etherboot-3.2b available for testing

Hi Ken,

I tried Etherboot-3.2beta:

minor problem: carriage return missing between output of
ethernet address and "Searching for server..".

major problem: Prompting for params in bootmenu works only
if you specify -DUSRPARMS in config (ok), but if you do,
you can not turn it off in bootptab - you are always prompted
for params. I get prompt with any selection, even with DOS,
although i have nerver specified 3p in the vendor tag.

minor problem: using -DDELIMITERLINES does not work, screen
goes black and machine seems dead.

minor problem: Specifying -DEMERGENCYDISKBOOT has no effect,
Etherboot does not boot from disk when no bootp server is
available (cable disconnected). I use -DASK_BOOT=n as a workaround.

The rest of Etherboot works fine!

I am attaching my config and bootptab for reference.

Have a nice weekend,

Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341
#	-*- Makefile -*- ,v 1.4 1994/12/31 17:16:49 jkh Exp
# Makefile for NETBOOT
# Basic options:
#	-DNFS_BOOT	- Include ability to boot via NFS (for FreeBSD) and
#			  enable the boot menu; this feature is deprecated,
#			  because loading of tagged "mknbi" images is a lot
#			  more powerful; do not expect future extension to
#			  this code.
#	-DIMAGE_MENU	- Allow to interactively chose between different
#			  bootimages; read README.VendorTags for further
#			  information.
#	-DMOTD		- Display message of the day; read README.VendorTags
#			  for further information.
#	-DASK_BOOT=n	- Ask "Boot from Network (Y/N) ?" at startup
#			  timeout after n seconds (0 = no timeout); this
#			  can be done in a more generic way by using the
#			  IMAGE_MENU, but it requires that the "bootp"
#			  server is accessible, even when booting locally.
#			- Assume 'Y' to previous question (alternative: 'N')
#			  on timeout
#			- if no BOOTP server can be found, then boot from
#			  local disk. The accessibility of the TFTP server
#			  has no effect, though! So configure your BOOTP
#			  server properly.
#                       - first honor the kernel name of the BOOTP reply
#                         before trying defaults
#                       - never use TFTP for loading default files; the
#	                  BOOTP reply has to set a valid kernel name; if
#	                  you intend to use the image menu, then you
#	                  probably want to set this option
#	-DNOINT19H	- Take control as soon as BIOS detects the ROM
#			  Normally hooks onto INT19H
#	-DMOVEROM       - if your motherboard does not cache adapter memory
#	                  space, then this option can speed up loading of
#	                  compressed BOOT-Prom images. It has not affect on
#	                  uncompressed images. Unless you are very tight on
#	                  free space, you will usually want to define this
#	                  option.
#	-DDELIMITERLINES - print a line of = characters at the start
#			  and also just before starting an image.
#	-DSIZEINDICATOR - update a running total of the amount of code
#			  loaded so far, in kilobytes
#	-DT509HACK	- send two bootp packets before waiting for a 
#			  reply to the first. Makes a 3c509 do bootp
#			  quicker
# Netboot-32 only options:
#	-DSERIAL_CONSOLE- use a serial line for input and output
#	-DCOMPORT	- 0x0 for COM1, 0x1 for COM2 etc
#	-DCOMPARM	- configuration for COMPORT, save values:
#			   0xe3 == 9600/8n1, 0xa3 == 2400/8n1
#	-DANSIESC	- evaluate a subset of common ANSI escape sequences
#			  when displaying the message of the day; this
#			  probably does not make sense unless you also
#			  define -DMOTD or at least -DIMAGE_MENU.
#			  Combining this option with -DSERIAL_CONSOLE
#			  is a waste of EPROM space.			  
#	-DGFX           - support extensions to the ANSI escape sequences for
#	                  displaying graphics (icons or logos); this
#	                  requires -DANSIESC
#	-DPASSWD        - enable password protection for boot images; this
#	                  requires -DIMAGE_MENU
#	-DUSRPARMS      - allow the user to interactively edit parameters
#	                  that are passed to the booted kernel; you should
#	                  probably enable -DPASSWD as well; this feature
#	                  requires -DIMAGE_MENU
#	-DFLOPPY        - boot from floppy/hd if bootimage matches the
#	                  pattern "/dev/[fh]d*"; if you do not have
#	                  enough space in the EPROM, then disable this
#	                  feature and use "mknbi-blkdev" for booting
#	                  from a local blockdevice.
# These default settings compile etherboot with all 'bells&whistles' enabled;
# if the size of your ROM is limited, you probably have to disable some of
# the features, although compressed ROMs do help in this case
# Leaving out these features will allow you to build 8kB compressed ROMs

# These are experimental extra features

# These are more unsual features which are not activated by default
# Netboot-32: enable these if you want a serial console

# These flags affect the loader that is prepended to the Etherboot image

UTILS+=		objdump86


# you should normally not need to change these

CC=		gcc
LD=		ld
SIZE=		size
OBJDUMP=	objdump
CFLAGS+=	-O2 -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -m386
CFLAGS+=	-Wall -Wno-format -Wno-unused
LDFLAGS+=	-N -Ttext $(RELOCADDR) -e _start -nostdlib
# Do NOT forget to execute 
#				bootpef -c /tftpboot
# after editing this file !!!
        :T186="º                                                      º":\
        :T187="º                ANT Boot ROM                          º":\
        :T188="º                                                      º":\

        :T192="Linux (Standard):::pentium.sys::0p":\
        :T193="Linux (Dual-PPro):::ppro.sys":\
        :T194="Linux (CD-Writer):::danzig.sys":\
        :T196="DOS (No C):::dos_no_c.rd":\
        :T205="Local Floppy:::fd0":\
        :T206="Local Disk C:::hda1":\
        :T207="Local Disk D:::hdb1":


stade:	ha=0020AF8FA3E0:ip=

boston:	ha=0020AFABA90E:ip=

dallas:	ha=0040335878F6:ip=

essen:	ha=0020AF2BAA97:ip=

altona:	ha=00403351526B:ip=

#danzig:	ha=00A0247A757A:ip=danzig:bf=danzig.sys:tc=.default
danzig:	ha=00A0247A757A:ip=danzig:tc=.default

kiel:	ha=00A0247A748B:ip=

gotha:	ha=0020AFA4CE92:ip=

bremen:	ha=004033548270:ip=

passau:	ha=00A0247A7530:ip=

hameln:	ha=0020AF2B9E7C:ip=

denver:	ha=00403354827C:ip=

kassel:	ha=0020AF55D878:ip=

berlin:	ha=00A024B8529C:ip=

#reno:	ha=006097b08f7b:ip=reno:tc=.default
reno:	ha=006097371A92:ip=reno:tc=.default

haktar:	ha=00609756eee4:ip=haktar:tc=.default

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