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New netboot version 0.7.1


today I've uploaded the new netboot version 0.7.1 to sunsite and the netboot
home page. It is basically a bug fix version. Especially in mknbi-mgl a whole
bunch of bugs have been fixed. You will also find the following new features:

-  It's now possible to use EXE type packet drivers (and other programs) in
   addition to COM type files. This is due to a change in makerom, not the
   bootrom itself.

-  There is now an updated and working (!) PCB layout for the FlashCard thanks
   to the work of Michael Riepe.

-  In addition to the two bootrom image files (image.rom and image.flo) make-
   rom now produces a third file called image.flash. It's a netbootable image
   file which can be loaded by an already installed bootrom (or a bootrom
   started from a floppy) and which programs a FlashCard flash EPROM with the
   newly created bootrom. Using this way you can easily upgrade the bootrom in
   a truly diskless client (without even a floppy disk drive) right over the
   network without the need for opening the case or burning a new EPROM.


A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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