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Re: <<no subject>>


Thomas M. <> wrote:
>  Somewhere in the doc's for etherboot (or was it netboot??) it says
> something about unmounting the ramdisk'ed dos if it's mounted as A:
> how could one do that? I have made a diskless system, booting a novell
> client that's supposed to run everything of the network, and i want
> to be able to acess the a: drive. (And C: is a network'ed drive)

The tool (at least as distributed in netboot) is called and
can be found in the directory /usr/local/lib/netboot/utils after you
installed via 'make install'. In the netboot distribution you can find
it in the directory netboot/mknbi-dos. Simply run t from any drive other
than A: without any options, and the resident DOS ramdisk driver will
be unloaded.


Just think of a computer as hardware you can program.
  - Nigel de la Tierre
Gero Kuhlmann, Hannover     0511/6497525 (Voice)

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