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More on PXE error


I'm using a diskless system with an on-board rtl8139 NIC. I got the 
rtl8139.pxe file from
I 'turned on' the 'boot from NIC' feature.

The boot is in several steps.
	1. BIOS goes to server and downloads the boot ROM stuff.
	2. Boot ROM stuff initializes NIC
	3. NIC tftp's startup stuff from server...

/etc/dhcpd.conf contains:
   host cactus {
       option option-188 "*          Welcome Cactus         *";
     hardware ethernet 00:10:DC:1F:C1:23;
     if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient" {
       filename    "rtl8139.pxe";
     } else if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = 
"Etherboot" {
       filename "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.18-ltsp-1";

If it had a floppy drive I'd go to and get the 
boot disk version and try it...
...but I've successfully 'disk booted' from floppy with a Netgear FA312 
and a Winbond 86c940.

The boot is simpler than with PXE.
	1. Computer boots from floppy disk containing boot ROM image
	2. Boot ROM stuff initializes NIC
	3. NIC tftp's startup stuff from server...
This is a typical /etc/dhcpd.conf entry I use:
   host vivian {
       option option-188 "*          Welcome Vivian         *";
     hardware ethernet 48:54:E8:21:B4:D5;
     filename      "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.18-ltsp-1";

Hope this helps,

Keith von Borstel
Software Engineer

D-M Information Systems
2744 Del Rio Place
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 750-7137

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