I send this message to the forums only in the intention of relating a success story about netbooting :-) and make more simple the labour of constructing a centralized system of network booting a group of computers. I just have tested the new netbooting system for my computing lab, resulting on this: 1. Introduction: Inside the flash rom you can have: - Etherboot has today drivers for many of the NIC today in the market, in example Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 and 3com 3c905B TX, which are the ones i've tested, but it has no integrated way for selecting (with menu) the SO to boot. - Netboot has the possibility of use the packet driver provided (by the manufacturer or by Crynwr) to generate the bootrom used by the NIC to boot. Inclusive it has the possibility of configuring and compiling a menu for selecting the SO to boot. - PXE is the standard used by the NIC manufacturers to manage the remote boot feature. Today is quite frecuent that the NIC comes with a flash rom which is preloaded with a PXE driver used for remotely load the SO (this is the case of most of the modern Main Board integrated NIC's). >From the server you can get: - GRUB offers an open frontend for the netbooting scheme used today. As you probably know, Grub is using the ethernet boot drivers used in etherboot to manage the boot process through the net. It offers the possibility of booting from net and/or from local disks using a fully configurable menu. Grub implements the two principal forms of netbooting today: PXE (normally implemented by the proper manufacturer in their flash boot roms) and the Network Boot Proposal (used by Netboot and Etherboot, through the tool 'mknbi'). For the first, grub has the "pxegrub" image and for the last the "nbgrub" image. - An etherboot/netboot image (compiled with the mknbi set of tools: mknbi-linux and mknbi-dos). This possibility only permit to load one SO. - A netboot menu image (compiled with the mknbi-mgl) which enable the user for selecting which SO wants to load (local or remote) but only is supported by the netboot rom images. 2. Installation: 0) You compile GRUB (untar, then configure, then make, then make install). The configure options i used were: --enable-eepro100 --enable-diskless --prefix=/home/grub. Note you have to enable the driver of your NIC. Then you shoud have the "pxegrub" and the "nbgrub" under /home/grub/share/grub/i386-pc/. 1) You have a NIC with PXE boot rom enabled: You have to configure the bootp/dhcp server to send a "pxegrub" image to the client, and if you want so (through the 150 tag) a loading SO menu. 2) You have a NIC without PXE boot rom capability, then you compile Etherboot to generate an image for your bootrom. Then you configure the bootp/dhcp server to send a "nbgrub" image to the client, and if you want so (through the 150 tag) a loading SO menu. 3) You have the packet/NDIS driver for the NIC, then you should compile Netboot to generate an image for your bootrom. Then you configure the bootp/dhcp server to send a "nbgrub" image to the client, and if you want so (through the 150 tag) a loading SO menu. The problem on this is that if etherboot doesn't support your NIC, then GRUB doesn't do too. I mention this option for showing how you can integrate labs based in netboot with other based in etherboot. 3. Tests: I tested the following configurations: - Intel PXE rom + "pxegrub.eepro100" + menu - Intel Etherboot rom + "nbgrub.eepro100" + menu - 3com PXE rom + "pxegrub.3c90x" + menu (Main board integrated 3c90x) - 3com Netboot rom + "nbgrub.3c90x" + menu(3c905B-TX with EEPROM socket) Note that i compiled 2 pxegrub/nbegrub selecting the corresponding driver. Note2: i compiled grub with eepro100 + 3c90x but failed, it seemed to confuse trying to load both drivers, working if the second was the correct. 4. Problems: In GRUB: See Note2 above. 5. References: Grub mail archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-grub%40gnu.org/ Grub page: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub.en.html Etherboot page: http://etherboot.sourceforge.net// Netboot page: http://www.han.de/~gero/netboot/ Netboot mail archive: http://www.han.de/~gero/netboot/archive/maillist.html 6. Thanks: To etherboot, netboot and grub mantainers. Omar. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Centro de Cálculo Depto. Ingeniería Sistemas Telemáticos Fax:(+34) 913367333 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid E-mail: omar@dit.upm.es E.T.S. Ing. Telecomunicación Tel:(+34) 913367366-Ext.328 28040 Madrid (Spain) ---------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== This Mail was sent to netboot mailing list by: Omar Walid Llorente <omar@dit.upm.es> To get help about this list, send a mail with 'help' as the only string in it's body to majordomo@baghira.han.de. If you have problems with this list, send a mail to netboot-owner@baghira.han.de.
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